Friday, August 27, 2004


I don't know if i have ever been this tired. My body has basically said "no more" and i guess i need to listen for awhile.

I watched a special about obesity on MTV and it really got me thinking. The folks on the show were "morbidly" obese and i'm not at that point, but by medical standards i am definitely under the large umbrella of obesity (he he he... i said large). Anyway, it's one of those things that bothers me from time to time, but that i usually don't pay much attention to. But this past week i've been taking the bus to and from school and walking around with my laptop and books and i'm starting to realize just how much extra stress the weight puts on my body. I know the masses will probably say, "just stop eating so much and exercise." Which, in theory is very true... but i actually don't eat that much or that bad. I'm not the type that eats tons of sweets or even an excessive amount of salty snacks, I do OD on carbs like there's no tomorrow though.

The need to take a long hard look at my diet is obvious. The thing that pisses me off the most is that many doctors that i have been to are quick to tell me about the problems of obesity, but none seem to offer suggestions. I will be making an effort though, because my body is telling me that i need to, and i strongly believe in listening to what my body tells me to do.