Sunday, March 14, 2004

If nobody better wants me, I'll give you a call

That's what waitlist letters sound like: We've looked over all these apps, and we've admitted the people we really want here. However, they're really smart and a certain percent of them will probably get offers elsewhere. So, we're gonna ask you to submit a letter, begging us to accept you. After some of the people that we really want, reject us, we'll call you and tell you that you are now lucky enough to be accepted at a school that really didn't want you to begin with.

I was waitlisted at two schools yesterday (Brooklyn Law and Temple) and I have a feeling that the rest of the letters will be more of the same. I don't know if my pride is going to let me accept a position on these waitlists. I mean if they were my first choice schools, then yes. i would be flying out there to hand them the letter in person, but the reality of it is, in order to attend either school, i'd need a significant scholarship and without an outright acceptance, i don't think that'll be an option.

For the most part i think i'm taking it ok. But any letter that doesn't start out with "Congratulations" stings, just a bit.