Saturday, March 29, 2003

I'm back... and I chickened out. I never made it to see my family in LA. Which is actually fine with me. It would have been one of those extremely awkward occurances where people that haven't seen each other in ages, and don't necessarily like one another, sit around and make small talk until someone says, "well look at the time" and makes an excuse to bounce. NOT my cup of tea.

We decided that after losing all our money in Vegas, we'd be content to just sit around with some new-found friends and enjoy ourselves. After having to be dragged to the airport and some pretty serious conversations, we've decided to start looking into schools on the west coast. The problem we're having now is LA vs. San Francisco. I think I need to plan a trip to San Fran ASAP so that I can make my point convincingly. I think I'll miss DC but I need to get out of here. Too dark and gloomy, give me sunshine and happy people ANY day!