Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Can't we all just...

Slow down?

As I made my way onto the metro this morning to make my normal morning commute, i was sufficiently jostled by a guy that had to get on before me. I figured that this guy must have really wanted a seat but he pushed past me, only to stand in the doorway and leave even less room for all the people that he had just pushed past, to get onto the train. That incident, hardly the first of it's kind, made me realize how much people rush. No one wants to be the last one off the train, no one wants to be the last one across the street. Everything is a rush. Do we wonder why we're so stressed... We bring it on ourselves. When was the last time these people stopped rushing and enjoyed the world? And where in the hell are they rushing to? The same people i see rushing around in the morning on the way to work, are rushing away from work at night. And why do the same people rush everyday? Why not just leave the house five minutes earlier? And why am I punished because you're late. I'm sorry, Mr. Rushy, but your rushiness does not give you the right to push or shove me out of your way. I am not in a rush, i got up on time, and even if i didn't i'm not going to rush. These people look at me and I am sure they think that i am lazy... Interesting concept for the "Rushies" When will American's realize that the finish line is not the ultimate goal... All you're rushing to is the end... and once you reach the end it's over and you've missed everything. These are the people that take their laptops on "vacation" and do work from the beach... WHAT KIND OF MADNESS IS THAT? Being on the beach is not what makes it a vacation. I think that we all need to take a collective deep breath. Open our eyes and look around. We have been given so many gifts that it seems so foolish to walk past them.

I don't like people who rush... i needed to get that out there. Thank you!