Thursday, December 26, 2002

Sometimes, when you least expect it somthing will happen and send your life in a completely different direction...

That seems to happen to me at least once a day. I spent yesterday at my parents' house with my brother, sisters, neices, nephew, mom, dad and my boyfriend. Most times this would be an unpleasant experience but such was not the case yesterday. Maybe it was the holiday or the fact that we stayed out of each other's way but my dad and i got along and everyone seemed happy to be in each other's presence.

Of course that didn't stop them from teasing me! I became the butt of the joke on many occasions because i basically lack any sort of direction in my life. I am indecisive, i don't finish what i start, i am a scatterbrain. I leave a pile of stuff in one place to go start another elsewhere. It used to be fun to be like that "impulsive, whimsical"... that's how i used to describe myself. Now, i pretty much think that i'm just lost. I don't like being lost. I need direction. i need a goal to acheive something to strive for and that doesn't seem to be happening. The logical thing would be to set a goal for myself and then acheive it, problem is i have absolutely no idea what I want to do.

The result is that I have decided to seek professional help. It's not really a "me" thing to do, but at this point i'm willing to try just about anything.