Wednesday, October 16, 2002

It never ceases to amaze me how important comforting words can be. I think that in times of self doubt we all need to be locked in a room with our closest friends for an intervention of sorts. I thing that its important that we all learn to stop doubting ourselves and start moving forward. I know that it's MUCH easier said than done but i think we'd all be so much better off.

I think that our background and upbringing can really wreck havoc on us following the "right" path for ourselves. I look at my mom and my dad and all that they are and all of their characteristics that i have inherited and i realize that i am in an extreme state of conflict. When I was at home, my mom was amazing! She worked full time, made dinner every night, kept the entire house clean, and always had time for us. Part of me wants to be like her... to be able to provide my future family with all those things... but then there's the other side of me that doesn't see the "big deal" about a family and kids, and that sort of thing. I have a hard time with a boyfriend and two cats, imagine me with kids! I know i measure myself against her and i know that it makes me feel like i am not doing all that i can. The question is, i guess, how do i manage to put all these things together to become a person that i think i want to be?