I'm Back Bitches
So the song from the previous entry is the one i currently have on repeat... much to Nate's dismay. The words to this song have forced me to take a long hard look at who I am, where I'm headed and what I want. It's not that the song is particularly deep (although there are some key lines) it's just that the song deals with introspection... looking back at the past and coming up with some sort of "guidelines" for moving forward. For whatever reason, i'm not able to do that. I go through the same shit over and over again rather than learning and moving on. That's not growth. So at this point in my life, i am making a concious effort to grow. I want to change the bad and work on the good and most importantly, to move on.
The past several months has helped me to look at life a lot differently. A lot of things i thought i'd never do, i've tried. Some good, some bad, but it's growth nonetheless. I've met some cool people as a result and realized that some people that i thought were cool aren't shit. The key here is for me to take that knowledge and do something with it... stay tuned