Here's What They Really Think of You (c) Ice Cube
him: query:
him: where do your fashionable male friends shop?
me: i don't have any of those
him: wow.
him: damn.
me: we're not those type of ppl
him: uh.
him: so you guys just wake up and stink?
This is a convo i had with a friend of mine recently. To say I was a bit hurt by the assumption that not being fashionable was the equivalent of emitting a foul odor would be an understatement. But it made me really look at myself and the ppl i know.
The truth of the matter is that we are not "fashionable". I mean we're not bums either, but i don't think you'd find any of my close friends decked out in the latest *insert top designer name here* gear. The people i know for the most part aren't into things like that and could care less what people have on. It's just not how we roll. I wondered if maybe that was a bad thing when i realized that people i chill with are some of the most caring, open, spiritual, talented people i've ever met. I wouldn't trade them for all the *insert top designer name here* gear in the world.