Thursday, April 04, 2002
In all honesty I am not an arrogant person. But I really hate the attention that I receive when I wear a skirt. I mean it is a RARE occasion for that very reason. This morning I decided to do the semi dressed up thing and I am pretty sure two guys almost hurt themselves staring. I'm thinking I have a cheek exposed or something, but everything seems to be in place. I guess most people would thrive off that sort of attention but it doesn't really do it for me. In those cases I prefer to remain unseen
You know what I hate...
Non-vegetarians that try to "catch" you eating meat. What in the hell is that about? I swear I have never stood over someone and said shit like "I know that isn't a tomato on your sandwhich is it" or "Thats not a salad is it!" so why do they feel the need to ask am I eating turkey or ham. The answer is always gonna be no. But hey what if I am eating a ham bacon pork chop sub? Who in the hell are they to ask me about it?