Monday, April 01, 2002


Why are people afraid of being alone? I am not quite sure I understand the idea of that. I mean I don't think that anyone wants to be LONELY but what is so bad about being alone. I think that being alone can be quite comforting actually. There are those people that don't like to be alone because they don't like themselves... I like me and so I like being with me. If I didn't like me or being with me, I'd change me so that I did like me. I know that sounds pretty elementary but it took me looking at people that were afraid of being alone to realize how destructive it is. I used to be afraid of being alone. That lead me to about two years of physical and mental abuse and brought me to the realization that a lot of people who claimed to be my friends weren't and that those who would rather gossip about you than to offer help can easily be done without.

It's funny because for all the bad stuff that that relationship had with it I learned a ton of stuff that I might not have realized otherwise. I realized the power of being liked. Plain and simple, people liked the guy and so they could not believe that he was the jerk that he was. I realized a lot about people who claimed to be friends. At the end of that relationship I stood completely alone. With the exception of one person. He and I managed to become and remain friends because he was the only person who ever bothered to ask what happened. Everyone else assumed, thought they knew, and spread my business to outside parties without ever asking me what I felt... and to this day none of them know what happened... hell they don't even know how I got out of it...

But that is what a fear of being alone can do. It can make you think that you can't live without a person even though you'd be much better off if you did. It can make you think that you can't make it on your own, when in reality the only way you ever can make it is alone. It's one thing to have people there to support you and to be on your side, but no one can make "it" for you but you and if you think otherwise you will be sadly mistaken.

I have been fortunate enough to find love... true love. Its the best feeling in the world... and it leaves me very unafraid of being alone (although he might think otherwise). I am the first to admit that I hate feeling lonely but being alone is ok and being by myself is ok too, but don't take my word for it learn that lesson for yourself!