Things seem to be coming together. We went and signed the paperwork for the apartment this weekend. It's so beautiful. I hope it proves to be a good first "home" for us. It's the first thing that we've officially done together (as in on paper and legally) and it's very exciting to being something together. The only thing freakin me out is that we're on the 12th floor, but he's into highrises so i guess it'll be ok :)
The only things we have left to do is buy the rings and get the invitations and the nervousness is officially setting in... but in a good way. We're addressing the "serious" issues and establishing the basis for the rest of our lives together. My mom is HILARIOUS about the whole thing too, but her and my dad have made it very clear that they are extremely happy for me.
In less mushy news, I am going to have to pack up soon for like my 3rd time in a year... NOT COOL. But at least i'll get to be settled for a couple years.