Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I am mentally and physically exhausted... and there is very little rest in sight for me. When I get on that plane tomorrow, i am going to curl up and do everything in my power to sleep all the way to cali. I have been up late EVERY single night for like the past week. Between packing and just not being able to sleep, i am really just doing too much. I signed my lease yesterday and moved like two things into my apt. Yay me... I also went to Ikea yesterday and caught an amazing sale! $18 bookcases are what's up! Tonight I plan to take as much of my stuff to the apt as possible without pissing anyone off. I don't want the other residents to feel *uncomfortable* lol

I'm really lookin forward to my vacation too. I'm just going to try not to spend it thinking about the massive clean up effort that i will have to do when i get back. I've asked a few people to help and they've agreed, but i don't know if my pride will let me do that. But yeah, I'd like to move as much stuff as possible tonight and then put the rest on a truck when i get back. Then i can spend the last week of July cleaning.

But first... i need SLEEP!