Wednesday, April 28, 2004


Yes, the beast has reared its ugly head. This morning, I'm angry. Perhaps its the loud giggle produced sleep deprivation, or maybe it's just the general sense of confusion that i am experiencing, but no matter what it is, it's pissing me off. I hate the fact that i live in a society that basically deems womanhood as an unacceptable inconvenience. I want to be a mother and have a family one day. I want my children to be happy, well adjusted individuals, but i also want to work. I don't want to sit around all day... that's not the life i would choose for myself. But for whatever reason, we can go to other countries but can't figure out how to make the workplace "parent friendly".

The term "working mother" can evoke all sorts of reactions from admiration, to elation, to respect, to eyerolling, to downright contempt. Most people picture the "working mother" as that lady that runs out of the office everyday at 2:30 to pick up the kids because the day care plans fell through. Sometimes she'll come back to the office, kids in tow, and plunk them down at a desk with some pens and paper. That usually lasts for all of 13 seconds... The other working mother is always taking days off work because Bobby and/or Suzy is sick or is suspended or needs something. How often have you heard the term working father. For every working mother, there's a father of some sort somewhere. If he is taking responsibility for the children and/or is involved in a relationship with the mother and he has a job, then guess what? He's a working father. But how often does the working father go running off at 2:30 or call into work late because Suzy forgot her lunch? Hardly ever. How much "paternity" leave does a father take? 2 - 3 days?

As I head off to law school in a few months, i am deciding on schools based on criteria like # of classes offered, externship opportunities, faculty to student ratio and which school will leave me in the least debt so that i will be able to make it when i take maternity leave and only earn half (if that) of my salary.

So yeah, i'm pissy today. But i'mma make it. :)