Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mo is back...

All that drug free stuff is out the window. I'm trying a new approach. The "plan" is to take my medicine, as scheduled, in an attempt to "fix" the stuff that's wrong with me. I'm also doing a lot of self improvement stuff (meditation, trying to eat better, etc) and i'll probably be starting a fast when i get back from vacation. I'm also reading just about every book there is about getting ready for law school... oh and I'm studying for the GMAT (can you say never satisfied?)

I'm actually glad i've started pushing myself. I slacked my way through grade school, high school and college. This is my last chance to do it right and to actually be proud of myself with no regrets, i'm not letting anything mess this up. A huge part of my self improvement involves taking a long hard look at myself and figuring out who i really am. I have always invested too much into what other people think of me, only to look back and realize that they were very wrong. As a matter of fact, i don't think that anyone has ever consistently had an accurate image of me, some come very close, and some are just wrong as hell. It's laffable actually, but this isn't about them, it's about me. I just continue to meditate and try to find the strength to deal with the situation i have created for myself.

I spoke to K and he was asking me what happened to "Mo"... come to think of it he's right... I'm not Mo, i'm Monica. Monica's cool, but she's not Mo. My problem is that i try to hard to make everyone happy. Folks don't like Mo... lol she's a little bit cocky... but she's got a big dick so why shouldn't she be? But yeah, that's my new thing, i'm gettin back to Mo. Some folks might get their feelings hurt, but it's time that i start doing this for me.