Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Losing a Parent
I was having a talk with a close friend of mine last night. I was trying to be positive and share some thoughts on life that i picked up along the way over the past 28 years. I would say that i did a fairly decent job. When I went to lay down i started thinking of the things that i had told him and realized that a lot of those lessons were things i had learned from my parents.
To say that i am the black sheep of my family is an understatement. Everyone seems to have their place, but me. But my parents always told me that was ok and I love them for it. Yesterday my dad celebrated his 69th birthday. His health is failing, as is my mother's, and i know that they won't be around to celebrate too many more birthdays.
Sometimes i'm angry. I think about the years when they smoked and i begged them to stop. I think about the times my dad said that pork wouldn't kill him and then when his doctor said it would he still refused to take medicine for his high bloodpressure. I look at them and see who they are today and it is as if they are shells of their former selves. I hate that they might not be there to witness the birth of my first child or even my wedding day..
but most of all i'm grateful for everything that taught me and everything they have done for me.
I cannot imagine that it is ever easy to lose a parent, but it is easy to tell them how much you love and appreciate them while they are here.
No regrets.