Monday, January 12, 2004
Right now i am waiting for so many things... and I don't like to wait. There are approximately 11 law schools out there with my fate in their hands... and I have to wait for them to look over what I have presented to them and decide if i am worthy to join them. That shit is annoying. I have no clue where I will go on August 1. Part of me is scared as hell, but for the most part I am excited. I really need to get a part time gig though. I need to stack as much cash as i can as quickly as i can. I'm just not sure what I should do. Bartending is a thought but i don't know if i should be working around alcohol. I was also thinking about doing a BS data entry job. That would be more my speed... as long as i could listen to music while i did it, i'd be straight.
Also, sometimes, people just want to do what they want to do. You can't change those people and you shouldn't ever try. I just wish that people would really take a look at themselves before they come at me. One day I'mma just stop bein nice to folks that don't deserve it. I bend over backwards day in and day out.... give respect where its due... and spend a lot of time making sure everyone is comfortable. And ppl take that shit for granted. it's tiring and I don't like it.