Wednesday, September 24, 2003
I guess progress is relative, but either way I think I've made some. The move is still on and it's starting to look up. I have looked at one place, going to see another house on Saturday. I also talked to a good friend of mine last night and remembered that he has a house up here that he's renting or selling depending on what the person is looking for. There are a few intricacies with that (namely the fact that someone already lives there) but he's letting me know if it would be a possibility.
All in all I feel really good about the move. I'm ready to spread my wings. But at the same time I constantly worry if i am doing the right thing.
On the ADD front... I went to a psychologist who has basically told me a few interesting things. The first is that I might not have ADD (the good news) however I might have anxiety or be depressed... or it could be ADD (he shitty news). At any rate I go back next week and she's going to see if i need medication. She also thinks that i might have a drinking problem (this is not news to me). She said I should quit for two weeks and focus on studying on the LSAT... I've gone thru a bottle of Khalua and a bottle of Vodka and haven't picked up a book.
I also have two new "issues" that I'm working on:
I was instructed that I should come up with some sort of reward system for myself. You know, study for an hour and then do "X" for an hours. So, my doctor says, "what do you like to do?" My answer? I don't know.
Plain and simple. I don't know what i like to do. Half the time I don't know who i am.
The second issue has to do with that 2yr detour my life took when I was in an abusive relationship... Why?
My family life was fairly stable. My parents have been together 47 yrs. They argue, but no more than "normal". I have never seen my father hit my mother, although he did spank us when we did wrong. Sometimes that may have crossed the line, but there was no "abuse". Sometimes i think that if i could figure that out, i may understand myself a lot better.
But for now... I need to get into studying...