Tuesday, August 12, 2003
But How Do You REALLY Feel?
One of my biggest fears when I set out to make this blog "public" was the possible perception that people would have of me as a result. For the most part people have been fairly understanding. Lately though, it seems like all my intentions here and elsewhere are just wrong.
I am being put in situations where i feel like my words are being doubted and to be honest it's very hurtful. I spent a lot of time crying yesterday, because my words seemed to be repeatedly called into question and honestly I couldn't take it. Sometimes I get so frustrated with everything going on in my life. I think that everything that I have gone thru has taught me so much about who i am and what I want, but people are not always receptive to what I feel and that may be one of the most painful things in the world.
I have come to the realization that I am probably terrible at showing love. It doesn't come out as love apparently. Maybe there's a class I can take or someone that I can go talk to about it... all i know is i need help cuz this hurts entirely too much.