Tuesday, October 15, 2002


Ok so what in the fuck is going on in the world? I would really just like to go to the store, buy my groceries, go to the gas station and pump my gas without tensing up and waiting to be shot! What kind of crap is this that i even have to have a fear of being shot while doing these things. I think that sometimes things get a little bit too out of control for me to comprehend, but i think that this is beyond anyone's comprehension.

What do you call someone who wants to take the LSAT and apply to Law school just to see where they will be accepted? You know i really frighten myself with the emphasis that I place on intelligence. I think that when you spend a lot of your life being shunned and labeled as an outcast, you really try to find a level that you can compete with people on and for me it's brainpower. The problem is, now i'm just competing with myself. It's amazing how out of it i feel now that i am not in school. I mean I'm still studying and learning but there's no structure and that's crazy to me.