At any rate, here goes.
I have decided to go public with my journal. Public in the sense that I will be actually telling people I know about it. So I guess I need to issue a disclaimer. This is the place that I come to tell the truth. I don't plan to hold anythig back and I have every intention of speaking my mind. If you are easily offened or don't think that you can handle what I think perhaps this isn't the place for you. If you think that this journal is going to be about you, don't flatter yourself. It's about my reaction to you, but not you.
I am at a point in my life where I am seeking a higher level of consciousness and spirituality. That is a process that I have chosen to begin with one other person and this journal relates primarily to that. Anyone that thinks they know me will understand my rantings and mood swings, those of you that think you do, may be a little thrown off kilter and confused. I will not apologize for my words because they are my thoughts at the time they are posted. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I don't care if anyone agrees with me. This is about me. I have spent most of my life worrying about how to help others and not paying enough attention to myself.
So, to the person that I am going on this journey with I would like to thank you for your help, your stength and patience. To those who have been there for me thank you, I appreciate your strength. To those of you who have leeched off of me to the point where I lost my way thank you, I appreciate the lessons that you taught me. For those of you seeking enlightenment and guidane, i wish you all the best.
I love you all!